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Rancho Sabor LLC


(760) 689-2017

Rancho Sabor LLC - facebook-logo_copy

"We grow, manage, sell, rent, and enjoy agricultural products and services.

Our overall objective is to get closer to the planet, by using native and easily grown plants and animals, organized to make us less dependent on the rest of the world working exactly as planned. Because sometimes, it doesn’t work out that way. We are NOT survivalists or preppers, just people trying to increase our security and happiness while decreasing our footprint on the planet, and helping others do the same.

Our products are based in what grows native in our area with (mostly) the water and sunlight that falls naturally on the land. They include edibles (mostly fruit and vegetables), “medicinals” (including black sage, white sage, eucalyptus, valeriana), and plants (including the sages, eucalyptus seedlings, succulents). We also have some decorative plants and products made from what might otherwise be called “trash” from the plants and operations."

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