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Republican Women of CA - Fallbrook

P.O. Box 1328
Fallbrook, CA 92088

Fallbrook Republican Women Federated - facebook-logo_copy

The Republican Women of California-Fallbrook will be having a Grand Opening of their Headquarters located at 429 S. Main Avenue, in the Sun Plaza Building, on Wednesday, September 2 from 10 am to 3 pm.

The Headquarters will be open through election day:

Wednesday through Saturday - 10 am to 3 pm.

Monday, November 2 and Tuesday, November 3 - 10 am to 5 pm.



Our goal is to educate women by communicating information, encouraging involvement and outreach in the community.
Our by-laws state we “shall promote a wider knowledge of principles and policies of the Republican Party, and cooperate with the Republican State and County Central Committees in campaign work for the election of Republican candidates for office”.
The cornerstone of Republican philosophy is the belief that each person is responsible for his or her own place in our society.  Individuals are encouraged to join the party to work to secure the benefits of society for themselves, their families, and for those who are unable to care for themselves.
Republicans believe that government should be limited to doing for people those things they cannot do for themselves.  The right to determine individual destiny should lie in the hands of the individuals, and we believe in the competitive free enterprise system.
Republicans believe that peace and freedom can be protected only if America maintains a defense strong enough to deter any aggressor.  We strive to cut government spending and to eliminate costly, overlapping and unnecessary government programs.
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