Fallbrook Statistics

2010 Census Statistics

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Demographic Characteristics (2011 SANDAG Estimates)

The people you’ll reach are educated, active, have higher than average discretionary income and are inclined to patronize those businesses that cater to their interests and lifestyles.
The publicity leading up to and including the event may be the perfect match for your products or services.
Racial Makeup
White 56.89%
Black or African American 1.16%
Hispanic/Latino 37.19%
Asian/Pacific Islander 2.4%
Other 2.37%
0-4 years: 5.9%
5-14 years: 12.51%
15-24 years: 15.14%
25-44 years: 21.13%
45-64 years: 27.45%
65 years or older: 17.80%
Male: 49.82%   Female: 50.18%
Primary Languages Spoken at Home
English Only - 68.82%
Spanish Only - 15.39%
Asian/Pacific Island Language Only - 0.64%
Other - 0.40%
Bilingual - 14.74%
Median Household Income
Housing Estimates
Owner Occupied - 67.91%
Renter Occupied - 32.09%
Sources: SANDAG & S.D. County Fair Statistics 
Basic scientific blending and averaging


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San Diego Association of Governments

A Forum for Regional Decision Making 

The 18 cities and county government are SANDAG serving as the forum for regional decision-making. SANDAG is the San Diego region’s primary public planning, transportation, and research agency, providing the public forum for regional policy decisions about growth, transportation planning, environmental management, housing, open space, energy, public safety, and binational topics. As a result of Senate Bill 1703, which consolidated all of the roles and responsibilities of SANDAG with many of the transit functions of the Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) and the North County Transit District (NCTD), SANDAG also is responsible for transit planning, funding allocation, project development, and construction in the San Diego region.


SANDAG is governed by a Board of Directors composed of mayors, councilmembers, and county supervisors from each of the region’s 19 local governments (with two representatives each from the City of San Diego and the County of San Diego). Voting is based on membership and the population of each jurisdiction. Supplementing these voting members are advisory representatives from Imperial County, Caltrans, MTS, NCTD, the U.S. Department of Defense, San Diego Unified Port District, San Diego CountyWater Authority, Southern California Tribal Chairmen’s Association, and Mexico.

Regional Responsibilities

Current major initiatives include early delivery of transportation projects utilizing TransNet and Proposition 1B funds; implementation of a third border crossing and connecting highway improvements in East Otay Mesa; development of planning, funding, and execution strategies for a Quality of Life program that will include regional infrastructure investments in the areas of habitat conservation, water quality, shoreline preservation, public transportation, and other potential infrastructure areas; collaboration with the San Diego Regional Airport Authority on airport planning, and addressing the impacts of transportation and land use on greenhouse gas emissions.
Other areas of continued emphasis include implementing sustainable Transportation Demand Management programs by expanding the 511 traffic information system and Compass Card program, and utilizing performance measures to ensure effective transportation network management; continuing collaborative efforts among SANDAG, Caltrans, and local jurisdictions to address future transportation and planning needs; continuing Interregional planning efforts between SANDAG and partner agencies in neighboring counties, Mexico, and tribal nations; and implementing smart growth concepts contained in the Regional Comprehensive Plan.
Monthly Board of Directors and Policy Committee meetings provide the public forums and decision points for significant regional issues. Citizens and representatives from community, civic, environmental, education, and business groups are involved in the planning and approval process by participating in committees, workshops, and public hearings.


Each May, the SANDAG Board adopts an overall work program and budget with federal, state, and local funds to support the Association's regional responsibilities.


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