Fallbrook Community Planning Group

The Fallbrook Community Planning Group is comprised of fifteen members living in the Fallbrook area and are elected by registered voters. The members must be at least 18 years of age, own property in, or reside in the planning group area and be registered to vote in that planning group area as well.

Planning group members are not County officials. They are advisors to the administrators of the County of San Diego. They are not empowered by ordinance or policy to render a decision of any kind on behalf of the County of San Diego or its elected or appointed officials.
These members have four-year terms and are given the opportunity to advise and assist the County of San Diego officials on matters of planning and land use affecting the group's area. The purview of the group is limited to community issues related to planning or land use. Meetings are open to the public and held in a public place. Officers are elected annually for positions of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and other officers deemed necessary by the group. The Chair appoints the Chair of all subcommittees from the members of the group.
Currently, the Fallbrook Community Planning Group meets at 7 pm on the third Monday of the month via Zoom.
For the current agenda and meeting information, click here.
For information on meeting with the Fallbrook Community Planning Group, please email Eileen Delaney, Chairman at Eileen.Fallbrook@gmail.com.

Committees of the Fallbrook Community Planning Group:


Roads, traffic circulation, and sidewalks throughout the Fallbrook Community Planning area. Also works with County Traffic Advisory Committee and County Department of Public Works on recommendations for signals, stop signs and prioritizing road work and sidewalks.

Land Use

Development as it pertains to the use of the land, zoning, number, and type of dwelling units and types of projects within the Fallbrook Community Planning area. Works with County planners on a project's conformance with the Fallbrook Community Plan.

Parks and Recreation

Parks, trails, park development, and public recreational facilities within the Fallbrook Community Planning area. Reviews projects that are subject to the Fallbrook Trails Map and works with County Park and Recreation Department.

Public Facilities

Utility-related projects such as cell towers which require a Major Use or Minor Use permit. Reviews aesthetics, height, and surrounding landscaping. Works with County Planners on conformance with Community and County regulations. Also makes recommendations for utility pole replacement projects, undergrounding of utilities, water issues (acquisition, supply, wastewater systems), landfills, quarries, and law enforcement and energy issues.

Design Review

Visual look of projects including design, aesthetics, architecture, circulation, parking and signage for conformance to the Fallbrook Design Guidelines. Includes commercial, industrial, multi-family and some single residential projects. Works with the County Zoning Department.
The Fallbrook Design Guidelines were written in the late 1980s. Many Fallbrook residents who were concerned about preserving the town’s rural community character contributed to writing these Guidelines. In 1989, the Guidelines were enacted by the San Diego Board of Supervisors.
For businesses, one of the most important subjects of the Design Guidelines is signs. The guidelines allow for many different sign types, designs and sizes.  However, new businesses or existing businesses who are updating their signs can sometimes be confused when they see old “existing, non-forming” signs which are no longer permitted, but still remain from years past. Examples of some of these old signs are roof signs and tall pole signs.
Businesses should also be aware that there is a limit to the number of signs that are permitted for each business. Prior to having a sign or signs made or replaced, it is important that the Design Guidelines are reviewed and a sign permit is obtained. Banners are permitted on-premise for special events, but only for a period of 60 days. Portable or “A Frame” signs are prohibited in Fallbrook.
If you would like further information about the Design Review Board, please contact Eileen Delaney, the DR Chair, by E-mail at Eileen.Fallbrook@gmail.com.
The Fallbrook Design Review Guidelines and Checklist can be downloaded here:
Opens with: Adobe Acrobat
Opens with: Adobe Acrobat
Opens with: Adobe Acrobat
The Design Review Committee and the Planning Group are NOT Code Enforcement. They do not enforce zoning or other regulations. That is a completely separate department with the County of San Diego.
For code compliance contact the County of San Diego:
Phone: (858) 694-8979

Planting, Trimming or Removing a Tree on County Right-of-Way

Permits must be obtained from San Diego County Department of Public Works to plant, trim or remove a tree on County right-of-way. For more information on this process, please call DPW Headquarters at (858) 694-2212.

For a copy of the tree trimming permit, click on this link:

New Mobile Application Assists Customers

New County mobile apps puts zoning and other information at your fingertips! The Zoning & Property App provides zoning and land use information for the unincorporated area of San Diego County. For more information, click here.

Other Online Services available:

Citizen Access Portal

Research property information and permits. Apply for some permits online.

GIS Maps

Determine the zoning and characteristics of properties with our web-based mapping tool.


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